Ken's Men - Guestbook

Daughter of T Sgt Reginald E Tatro 43rd Bomb Group/65th Bomb Sq 1942-1945. Arrived on Queen Mary to Australia, went to radio operator school in Townsend and became airborne RO on 65 missions. Flew many missions on Tuffy, Georgia Peach, Yankee Diddler, flew Old 666/Lucy from New Guinea to Hilo, Hawaii Oct 1943.

I have award records for many of his crews as well as some photos I would be happy to share.

Added: March 16, 2021
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Just found a photo of my father, Eugene F. TIghe from Leyte, P.I. In 1945. It was an official photo of him as a member of Ken’s Men 43rd Bomb Group- The First Tram. He started the war as a private and finished as an officer. He stayed in the military and went on to become a Lt. General.

Really like this site very informative!

Added: September 25, 2020
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From March 1983 to July 1985, I was a TSGT assigned to the 43rd Strategic Wing, Andresen AFB, Guam, and the Wing Historian. I have been researching past history on the 43rd and was glad to find your site.

One of the best AF unit sites I've seen. Thanks :!cool:

Added: September 9, 2020
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My dad John Wayne Parrish flew snooper b24 s in the SW Pacific the last year of the war. The other pilot was Bancroft. :!cool: :!cool:

Added: September 2, 2020
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My Great Uncle TSgt Jacob M Kesler KIA Aug 31 1943 Port Morsbey

Added: July 30, 2020
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My Dad, Edwin Paul (Lucky) Stevens was a nose gunner 64th Squadron, 43rd Bomb Group. I would be happy to connect with anyone who knew him.

Added: April 4, 2020
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My father, Cpl Jack T. Owings, was in the 5th Air Force, 43rd Bomb Group, 64th Squadron. He was a waist gunner on a B-24. Arrived in the Pacific (Australia, I believe) on 8/24/44, and then island hopped with the 43rd bomb group 64th bomb squadron through the Philippines. Was on Ie Shima when the Japanese flew onto the island to surrender. He headed home 12/10/45. I would love to know what plane he flew on, crew members, etc., but his military records were burned up in the fire in St. Louis. Any information, contacts, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

Added: March 15, 2020
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My grandfather Donald Eugene Embert served with the 403rd as a Bombardier. I’m the family historian so I’m trying to find out as much as I can about his service since he has passed on.

Added: November 10, 2019
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My Grandfather was in WWII. He was a member of:
TRP B 124 Calvary
Merrills Marauders

The history of WWII is fascinating to me and I love reading and listening to stories from WWII.

Added: September 17, 2019
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My dad was in the 43rd Bomb Group, 64th Squadron in 1944 and 1945. He flew Cocktail Hour, the Dragon and His Tail, and Mable's Lables on some of his missions. He was also flying The Record Breakers when it got shot up so back that it was scrapped after he (with some help from his copilot I'm sure0 nursed it home.

Added: August 7, 2019
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